
Vvis.exe has stopped working
Vvis.exe has stopped working

vvis.exe has stopped working

Step 9: Reduce the number of usable cores by half. Step 8: Select the process in the Details menu, right-click on it then choose Set affinity option. Step 7: Right-click on this entry and choose the Go to details option. Step 6: Click on More details to expand Task Manager and search for dota.exe process. Step 5: Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc key to open Task Manager. Step 4: After the game opens, press Alt + Tab key to exit back desktop. Step 3: Right-click DOTA 2 game and choose the Play Game option. Step 2: Navigate to the Library tab and locate DOTA 2 in the list of the games. Reference Solution 1: Set the Affinity in Task Manager Solution 7: Remove VPN software such as Astrill VPN Solution 5: Create New Windows User Account Solution 2: Uninstall Visual C++ Package and Install the Latest Version of Visual C++ Redistributable Package Solution 1: Set the Affinity in Task Manager Problem: Some player reported unable to play Dota 2 because of constant crashes with error “dota2.exe has stopped working” which occur at random points during the game, no dumps founded and console showed nothing when game crashed.

Vvis.exe has stopped working